February 2025 MWFS Newsletter

MWFS' February Newletter has been published. 

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The Impact of Reduced Interest Rates on your Finances

Our world is changing, iA Financal explores how reduced interest rates may affect you and your finances in their article (plus they are have a contest that encourages saving!)

Click above to read more.


Revisiting your Insurance Coverage

You purchased life insurance... but that was quite a while ago! Have you experienced life changes or some ups and downs since then?

Beneva makes a good case for revisiting your insurance coverage.

Click above to read more.


Virtual Health Care

Healthcare continues to change! Have you changed with it? There are new and different options available.

Manulife Financial explores this in their blog, "Virtual Healthcare Trends".

Click above to read more.


Whole Life Insurance for Youth

How can you help your children or grandchildren financially by providing an asset which allows you to pass it over tax free when the time is right, and in the meanwhile, allows you full control over that financial asset? The answer is simpler than you might think!

Empire Life explores this innovative solution in their video, "KID START - Whole Life Insurance".

Click above to learn more.


Protecting your Paycheque

Throughout one’s work-life, earned income is often considered their greatest asset (with exception to home equity if you live in BC and own your home). Workplace long-term disability plans may not cover injuries that occur outside of work hours. For example, falling off a ladder while taking down Christmas lights could have a devastating impact on your ability to work and, therefore, your income. So, what options do you have?

Canada Life provides valuable insights and advice on how to protect yourself and your paycheque.

Click above to learn more.


Critical Illness Insurance

Experiencing a critical illness diagnosis could become one of the most challenging times in one’s lifetime. A vital ‘safety net’ is having Critical Illness (CI) Insurance in place; you may receive a one-time benefit payment to provide financial support while you are alive!

BMO Insurance has created a short illustrative video on one family's experience related to critical illness insurance.

Click above to learn more.


The Different Types of Life Insurance

We all have different needs in life, and that includes the need for life insurance at various stages in our lifetime. A young couple just starting out; a business owner with a successful business; a middle-aged individual nearing retirement; or a retired couple - your life insurance needs will vary. With so many options available today, where does one start?

Empire Life’s article on “Understanding the different types of life insurance” gives you, or your loved ones, a starting point of the many considerations throughout your life cycle. Of course, it is always best to discuss your personal circumstances with your MWFS Account Manager to decide what is right for you.

Click above to read more.


Elder Care & Assisted Living

When you were young, your mom or dad may have sat you down for "the talk". It may have been a pivotal moment, marking a key transition into adulthood that required guidance and conversation.

Perhaps now the shoe is on the other foot. You might find yourself needing to have an important discussion with one or both of your parents. SunLife's article explores several relevant topics to consider.

Click above to read more.


Holiday Stress and Anxiety Prevention

The Holidays are often associated with Peace, Love, and Joy. However, not everyone sees it that way.

Whether it's you, a friend, or a family member, holiday stress can affect many in unexpected ways. Equitable Life shares techniques to diminish anxierty and alleviate stress through the season.

Click above to read more.