Please select the forms you need to download.
Plan Sponsor: Complete this form to authorize benefit coverage for new employees.
Complete, sign and mail/fax/email this form to MWFS, to authorize electronic funds transfers of your claims reimbursement payments directly to your bank. Mail EFT form to:
Plan Sponsor: Use this form to pay premiums automatically
Most dentist provide plan members with a standard Canadian Dental Association claim form. If the dentist does not provide a CDA form, use this form to obtain a remibursement under your Dental Care benefit for eligbiel dental expenses. If you download a form we recommend that you bring a claim form with you when you visit your dentist for an appointment.
Most dentist provide plan members with a standard Canadian Dental Association claim form. If the dentist does not provide a CDA form, use this form to obtain a remibursement under your Dental Care benefit for eligbiel dental expenses. If you download a form we recommend that you bring a claim form with you when you visit your dentist for an appointment.
Use this form for all medical expenses and services. For dental expenses, please use the Dental Claim Form.
The above files are in Adobe Acrobat format. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobate Reader, you can download it here.